Brno Appeal to reduce light pollution in Europe: results of international workshop

Light pollution has been chosen as one of the Ministry’s priorities for the Czech Presidency of the EU. The flagship event of this topic, an international workshop Light Pollution 2022, was held in the Brno Observatory and Planetarium on October 26th 2022. Representatives of 19 member states, the European Commission, the International Dark-Sky Association, the European Environmental Agency or the International Commission on Illumination joined the workshop, as well as lighting professionals, members of the academia and private as well as non-profit companies.

At the end of the workshop, the participants appealed to support a joint approach to reduce light pollution on the level of EU and its neighbouring countries. Jointly, they adopted the Brno Appeal to reduce light pollution in Europe (PDF, 620 kB), which calls for such actions. The Presidency will pass the Appeal officially to the European Commission and introduce it at the December Meeting of Environmental Ministers.

More information at HomePage - Ministerstvo životního prostředí (mzp.cz)

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