This workshop was conducted by The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) of Jordan for capacity building for the use of bat detectors within the range of the EUROBATS agreement. It was graciously funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
The main objective of this workshop was to enhance and train wildlife biologists in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon the Palestinian Territories and Syria on the use of bat detectors for bat research and to analyze calls for species identification. In addition, this workshop was intended to encourage wildlife biologists to expand their knowledge on advanced technologies in bat research in order to apply such knowledge in bat conservation in their countries.
Four countries participated (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories) in this workshop with a total of 14 participants. Unfortunately due to the current circumstances, the Syrian participants cancelled their participation one week before the workshop took place. Both Prof. Zuhair S. Amr from Jordan and Prof. Marc Holderied from the United Kingdom organized the training sessions. Use of bat detectors and bat’s identification by frequency analysis was the main subject of this workshop. The training sessions were held in two nature reserves in Jordan, where as recordings for 14 bat’s species were detected and analyzed. The feedback from all participant was beyond expectations, were they actively participated and showed high interest and motivation. Bat detectors had been donated by EUROBATS to each participated country.
The workshop was held during 27-31.8.2012 in two main nature reserves in Jordan. Mr. Khaled Younis, from the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature made all arrangements and logistic supports during the workshop.