The IWG was set up at the AC7 to identify outstanding implementation actions presented a report containing a list of 20 points to be discussed by the Advisory Committee.
Additionally the United Kingdom submitted a discussion paper on the implementation of decisions adopted at previous MoP's and on future working mechanisms of the AC, the IWG and the Secretariat. Two proposals from the United Kingdom’s paper were adopted to be taken forward. The Secretariat agreed that it would investigate the possibility of a discussion forum on the EUROBATS website, which could be used by IWG's. It was also decided that the Chair and Vice-Chair would provide a more proactive role in the co-ordination of the IWG's. A small Working Group convened during the Meeting to assess which parts required further action. A short summary of 11 actions was produced by the group and discussed. As a result the following actions were identified:
a) Parties should confirm in their national report that the scientific focal point in the list Inf.EUROBATS.AC7.25.Rev.2 is the contact point for the designated body according to Article III, 5 of the Agreement
b) Established migratory patterns of behaviour in migratory populations of bat species in Europe should be discussed at the next AC in connection with a presentation of ringing results from Germany
c) Countries that have not yet done so, should endeavour to provide information on the population size and status of resident bat species or to give details of problems encountered in providing the information
d) With regard to Doc.EUROBATS.MOP2.6 a small working group convened to discuss Resolution 3. It came to the conclusion that Resolution 3 had been implemented successfully. On the basis of the achieved results further efforts should focus on international co-operation in order to investigate the distribution and migration patterns of Myotis dasycneme and Pipistrellus nathusii
e) The remit of the working group on underground habitats was extended to cover production of guidelines on managing underground sites
f) Resolution 8 of MoP 2 will be discussed at the next AC. The original paper on linear features will be circulated to all Parties as a discussion document and should be considered in conjunction with agricultural biodiversity issues in relation to CBD and CMS
g) Points 3 and 4 of the current Management and Conservation Plan 2000 –2003 concerning roosts and habitats should be discussed at the next AC Meeting.
Having completed its task, the Working Group was dissolved.