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Guidelines on the Implementation of the Agreement

The IWG is to address paragraph 1b of Resolution 6.16 of MoP6 - to review the implementation of the Agreement and relevant Resolutions and assess setting up a system to review requests for advice concerning the implementation addressed to the Secretariat from MoP6 onwards. IWG tasks include

  • the survey of all resolutions adopted by the Agreement. It was agreed with the Secretariat that, as a first step, a list of all resolutions relevant to the Conservation and Management Plan would be compiled by the Secretariat with an annotation as to whether they are still valid, or are now invalid, or have been replaced by another resolution (and which one).
  • the review of obligations to Parties, to the AC and to the Secretariat.
  • the production of a simple checklist of obligations for incorporation into National Reports.
  • a discussion with the Chairmen of AC and Standing Committee on the possibilities to develop a system to assess performance by Parties to meet obligations, and to establish an Implementations Committee to address special needs or cases, e.g. clear breaches of obligations where these cannot be settled through the relevant Focal Points.
  • the production by the next MoP, and using the above information, of a „guide‟ or „handbook‟ to the Agreement and its adopted obligations, with some background and guidance on the expectations within those obligations.
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