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Bats and Sustainable Forest Management

The Group was established at the AC4 and reconstituted at the AC 6 under the name "Transboundary programme - habitats: Forest practices". 

The IWG’s objectives follow MoP4, Resolution 4.4, which directs the AC to:

  • Instigate the investigation and, if appropriate, the development of the use of bats as indicators for sustainable forestry and biodiversity in certain habitats in Europe;
  • To develop guidelines on bat-friendly, forestry practices to fulfill Actions 3.1 and 9.3 of the CBD/CMS Joint Work Programme 2002-2005;

In addition, MoP6, Resolution 6.12 urges Parties and Range States to:

  • Develop their own national guidance appropriate to their bat communities, forest ecosystems and forest management practices based on the principles in the EUROBATS Bats and Forestry leaflet;
  • Share best practice forestry guidance via the EUROBATS website.

Furthermore, Resolution 6.12 instructs:

  • The AC to consider whether it would be timely to update the review on bats and forest management undertaken by Boye and Dietz and published as Boye, P. & Dietz, M. (2005): The development of good practice guidelines for woodland management for bats, English Nature Research Report Number 661.
  • Calls upon the Secretariat and the Parties to explore possibilities for using the UN International Year of the Forest 2011 to bring joint issues of bat conservation in forests forward.
EUROBATS publications: 

The EUROBATS leaflet on "Bats and Forestry" was published in September 2009. It is available from the EUROBATS Secretariat as hardcopies and PDFs in English, French and German.

Adapted PDF versions in national languages are also available for Ireland (in English), Italy, Denmark, Portugal and Belarus (in Russian). If you intend to translate this leaflet into your national language, please contact the Secretariat.

Other relevant publications: 

Bats in Forests - Information and Recommendations for Forest Managerscourtesy of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz - BfN) and the German Association for Landcare (Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege - DVL)

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