The Grey long-eared bat is a medium-sized bat with a wingspan of 255-300mm. It has a dark grey fully furred face, dark ears and a broader tragus than P. auritus.
Frequently spotted in open agricultural landscapes and lowland valleys, P. austriacus roosts in fissures and cavities of buildings during summer. Its high tolerance to the cold allows the species to hibernate in caves, mines and rock crevices. Using aerial hawking and foliage gleaning techniques, the Grey long-eared bat preys on moths, scarabaeoid beetles and crane flies. This a very sedentary species and migration distances do not appear to exceed the 60km.
Unknown according to the IUCN Redlist.
Occurs throughout the Mediterranean area and on the Balearics, Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily. No records from North Africa, Malta, Crete, Cyprus and the Near East. In the North, it reaches southern England but not the Baltic Sea coast.
Particularly affected by renovations, remedial timber treatment, as well as Intensification of agriculture and the use of pesticides.