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Agreement on the Conservation
of Populations of European Bats
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Information related to the COVID-19 pandemic
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on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:19
Click the links below for opening documents
Statement by Bat Conservation Africa
Joint statement of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and the Norwegian Zoological Society (NZF)
Joint position of German conservation NGOs:
the long German version
the short German version
translation to English
Statement of SECEMU (Spanish Association on Conservation and Study of Bats
Statement of the Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation: Wuhan Coronavirus Leads to More Premature Scapegoating of Bats
Statement of the Bat Conservation Trust
Press-release of the Société Française pour l’Etude et la Protection des Mammifères
Press-release of the Italian Institute for Environmental Research and Protection
Statement of the Bundesverband für Fledermauskunde Deutschland e.V.
Statement of the Stiftung Fledermausschutz, Switzerland
Statement of the Dutch Mammal Society (Zoogdiervereniging) on bats and the 2019-Coronavirus outbreak
FAQ on Bats and coronaviruses developed by the Bat Conservation International
Science-based facts and knowledge about wild animals, zoos and SARS-COV-2 virus
IUCN SSC Bat Specialist Group (BSG) Recommended Strategy for Researchers to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Humans to Bats
Selected media content
Op-Ed of the CMS Executive Secretary Amy Fraenkel
Report from SFEPM on Viruses, Coronavirus, man, wild fauna and bats: Which first lessons can we learn from the pandemic about our relationship with nature (in French)
Dr. Christian Voigt's interview in Spectrum on bats and COVID-19
(in German)
TV programme on COVID-19 and wildlife with Hugo Rebello talking on bats (in Portuguese)
TV programme with Mounir Abi-Said talking on bats, relation to viruses and why we should protect them (in Arabic)
Dr. Suren Gazaryan on bats and COVID-19 on Raadio 4 (in Russian)
Oliver Kalda on Estonian TV 3 broadcast: bats are not guilty in coronavirus pandemics (in Estonian)
Recording of the live Q&A session with experts on bats and disease ecology, hosted by Youth4Nature
Article by Merlin Tuttle in
Issues in Science and Technology
: A Viral Witch Hunt – Misguided fears of bats as disease carriers