The German umbrella association for bat research and conservation called: Bundesverband für Fledermauskunde Deutschland e.V. has recently asked for participation in the German noctule census.
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New issues of two bat periodical are available online.
Plecotus et al. №23, 2020: see content at
Hypsugo №5(2), 2020: content is online at
A critical response of leading bat experts to the paper "Bats in ecosystems and their wide spectrum of viral infectious potential threats: SARS-CoV-2 and other emerging viruses" published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. It is shown in the letter to the editor that the paper of Bonilla-Aldana et al. contained multiple critical errors and misrepresentations related to bat taxonomy, ecology, and physiology, and the linkages between bats and specific viruses.