
The boundaries and names used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Map data © 2012 Google
Party since: 1999
Standing Committee Member: No
Administrative Focal Point: 

Ms. Céline Impagliazzo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Principality of Monaco
Ministère d'Etat
Phone: +377 98 984 470
E-mail: cimpagliazzo[at]

Scientific Focal Point: 

Mr. Ludovic Aquilina
Ministry of Public Works, Environment, and Urband Development
Department of Environment
Phone: +377 98 984 421
E-mail: luaquilina[at]

Party to:   AEWA, CBD, CMS, Ramsar
National Reports:   2000, 2018
Occurring Species: Hypsugo savii, Myotis daubentonii, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Tadarida teniotis